Ana Paula Picasso

Brazilian born Market Research Analyst based in Sweden - specialized in #Brazil and #emergingmarkets. All opinions are my own. Follow me on Twitter @a_picasso
Ana Paula Picasso has written 12 posts for EMerging Equity

Brazil: Can Banks Shake Off Their Villain Image?

To me, the very concept of being a Facebook fan of a bank is rather strange. Here and in Brazil too, they are seen as evil money making machines – so, how Itau achieved such a high number of fans? Their social media journey started around 5/6 years ago – and Itau seemed to have … Continue reading

Why Bitcoin Is A Good Idea For Brazil

Things are not looking good for Brazil’s Real – news articles flooded with reports of a ten-year low of the Brazilian currency against the US dollar. After a turbulent presidential election and international oil prices hike, those factors finally hit the country’s economic very hard. Having said that, could bitcoin be a good way to … Continue reading

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