By Michael Snyder For the first time ever, total credit card debt in the United States is approaching a trillion dollars. Instead of learning painful lessons from the last recession, Americans continue to make the same horrendous financial mistakes over and over again. In fact, U.S. consumers accumulated more new credit card debt during the … Continue reading
Are you ready to pay to save? Agora founder Bill Bonner explains why “negative interest rates” are spreading around the world…and could soon come to the U.S. Bill founded Agora Inc. in 1978. Since then, it has grown into one of the largest independent newsletter publishing companies in the world. He also co-wrote two New … Continue reading
By Phoenix Capital Research It’s literally 1937 all over again. Many analysts have called for the Fed not to repeat its mistake of 1937. That mistake? Raising rates when the economy was already weak. Doing this prolonged the Great Depression. However, few commentators point out WHY the Fed raised rates in 1937. The reason? CPI hit … Continue reading
By Michael Snyder The 7th largest economy on the entire planet is completely imploding. I have written previously about the economic depression that is plaguing Brazil, but since my last article it has gotten much, much worse. During 2015, Brazil’s economy shrank by 3.8 percent, but for the most recent quarter the decline was 5.89 percent … Continue reading
By Mac Slavo It is clear that Janet Yellen is holding her tongue on raising interest rates, and the Federal Reserve is effectively propping up the stock market in the meantime. The maneuver will only delay the inevitable, but perhaps that is exactly what the powers that be want. If Donald Trump is right, the Fed … Continue reading
By Rory, The Daily Coin I had the good fortune to sit down with Dr. Marc Faber, economist and market forecaster, publisher of GloomBoomDoom Report to discuss the current state of economic affairs from a global perspective. We touched on the failures and criminality that have become U.S. economic policy and how this is impacting … Continue reading
By Michael Snyder The worst stock market crashes in U.S. history have come during the month of October. There is just something about this time of the year that seems to be conducive to financial panic. For example, on October 28th, 1929 the biggest stock market crash in U.S. history up until that time helped … Continue reading
Alexis Tsipras has been sworn in as Greece’s prime minister after his antiausterity Syriza party won January 25 parliamentary polls. Earlier on January 26, Tsipras’s leftist party struck a deal with a right-wing populist party, the Independent Greeks, to form a government after Syriza fell just short of the majority needed to govern alone. The … Continue reading
By Ylli Përmeti SYRIZA’s victory can be attributed almost completely to the conditions created in Greece in the last five years or so, mainly by the Right-wing coalition in Greece. But, while the Right-wing coalition used ‘fear’ during these years, if not (trans) national terrorism,[1] upon the population, the “Left”-wing coalition of SYRIZA, created the … Continue reading
By Michael Snyder Radical leftists have been catapulted to power in Greece, and that means that the European financial crisis has just entered a dangerous new phase. Syriza, which is actually an acronym for “Coalition of the Radical Left” in Greek, has 36 percent of the total vote with approximately 80 percent of the polling … Continue reading