By James Parisot China’s rise has shaken up the global order. As East Asian governments, along with the United States, remain unable to develop a mutual security agreement over disputed islands, and the US pushes the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the exclusion of China as an alternative to the stagnating World Trade Organization, East Asia is riven … Continue reading
By Tony Cartalucci The complexity and history behind the current tensions in Asia Pacific are belied by simplistic narratives underpinned by superficial nationalism. China’s portrayal across the Western media as a regional “bully” versus its victims across Southeast Asia is dividing the general public down two sides of a predictable line. On one side are those … Continue reading
By Caleb Maupin The price of oil remains below $50 per barrel, the lowest since the 2009 financial crisis. Oil prices have stayed low throughout 2014 and 2015. The reason for the drop in oil prices is the massive increase in oil production. Iraqi oil fields are refining more oil than at any time since … Continue reading
Russia’s largest exchange group the Moscow Exchange (MOEX) and the China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Thursday that will help further develop financial ties between the countries. The MoU signed by both exchanges aims to strengthen the bilateral partnership and facilitate the development of both parties through information sharing, reciprocal … Continue reading
By F. William Engdahl The dual summits that took place in Russia’s Ufa beginning 9 July were anything but routine. In fact it may be seen by future historians as a signal event that marked the definitive decline of the global hegemony of European civilization including North America. This is no small event in human history. … Continue reading
By Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist The dollar has been a stalwart of international trade over the majority of the last century. Around the time of the formation of the Eurozone, it reached its recent peak at 71.0% of official foreign exchange reserves. Since then, its composition of global reserves has more recently dropped to a more modest … Continue reading
The BRICS grouping of emerging market nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — will see their own $100 billion development bank, The New Development Bank (NDB), also known as the BRICS bank, in operation by the end of 2015, South Africa’s Finance Ministry said on Friday. “The New Development Bank is expected to be operational … Continue reading
By Jack A. Smith he·gem·o·ny (həˈjemənē,ˈhejəˌmōnē): leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others. The most important political relationship in today’s world is between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Whichever way the relationship goes will have a major impact on global developments for many decades. … Continue reading
By Pepe Escobar, Asia Times As Cold War 2.0 between the U.S. and Russia remains far from being defused, the last thing the world needs is a reincarnation of Bushist hawk Donald “known unknowns” Rumsfeld. Instead, the — predictable — “known known” we get is Pentagon supremo Ash Carter. Neocon Ash threw quite a show … Continue reading
“The upcoming BRICs and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summits would unite countries for development, peace and security of the region and world, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here [Moscow] Wednesday,” Xinhuanet reports. During the meeting in Moscow with Sergei Lavrov, Russian FM, Mr Wang expressed his full support for the two summits … Continue reading