If, as has been observed, demography is destiny, this will be the African century. By Antoinette M. Sayeh and Abebe Aemro Selassie Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are on the cusp of a demographic transition—the years when the share of young and old in the population declines and those in working age range (15-64 years) increases. Elsewhere, … Continue reading
The gap between the rich and the poor is at its widest in decades in advanced countries, and inequality is also rising in major emerging markets (Chart 1). It is becoming increasingly clear that these developments have profound economic implications. By Era Dabla-Norris, Kalpana Kochhar, and Evridiki Tsounta Earlier IMF work has shown that income inequality is … Continue reading
It’s like the European Union but for East Africa. By iMFdirect In this podcast by the IMF, find out how Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi stand to benefit from the creation of the East African Community*. There will be a common currency as well as more trade and investment too. Will a union also expose them … Continue reading
By David Marston, Era Dabla-Norris, and D. Filiz Unsal Economists are paying increasing attention to the link between financial inclusion—greater availability of and access to financial services—and economic development. In a new paper, we take a closer look at exactly how financial inclusion impacts a country’s economy and what policies are most effective in promoting … Continue reading