President Barack Obama has warned that without the Iran nuclear deal, there will be another war in the Middle East. He said that those who voted for the War in Iraq are now opposing diplomacy with Iran. Many of the same people who argued for the war in Iraq are now making the case against … Continue reading
By Stratfor Global Intelligence Iran will offer joint venture contracts to attract international energy companies, which will give the country some advantage over Persian Gulf producers. Tehran will need more than five years to achieve its goal of producing 6 million barrels per day. Legal requirements imposed on foreign firms in Iran will still make operating in … Continue reading
Pakistan is hoping to benefit from a historic nuclear deal that Iran and six major world powers (P5+1) reached on Tuesday, following over a decade of negotiations with an agreement that could transform the Middle East. Pakistan has been struggling with an energy crisis as rolling blackouts for several hours a day are common in its urban and rural areas … Continue reading
By Pepe Escobar, Asia Times This is it. It is indeed historic. And diplomacy eventually wins. In terms of the New Great Game in Eurasia, and the ongoing tectonic shifts reorganizing Eurasia, this is huge: Iran — supported by Russia and China — has finally, successfully, called the long, winding 12-year-long Atlanticist bluff on its “nuclear … Continue reading
By Pepe Escobar, Sputnik News Whatever happens with the nuclear negotiations this summer, and as much as Tehran wants cooperation and not confrontation, Iran is bound to remain — alongside Russia — a key US geostrategic target. As much as US President Barack Obama tried to dismiss it, the Russian sale of the S-300 missile system to Iran is a … Continue reading
By Scott Firsing As the 2016 United States (US) presidential race heats up, it looks as though foreign policy will attract more of the limelight than usual. Republicans have heavily criticized US President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party over recent foreign policy decisions. From improving relations with Cuba and the spread of violent Islamic … Continue reading
Russia has lifted a ban on deliveries of its advanced anti-missile system to Tehran on Monday, according to a statement from the Kremlin. The lifting of the ban is in wake of progress that was made during the Iran nuclear talks over a week ago, which paves the way for the international community to gradually lift sanctions from the … Continue reading
By BNE Russia has signed a deal with Iran to build two nuclear power plant units, in a possible prelude to a Russian-brokered solution to Iran’s row with the West over its nuclear power programme. The agreement was signed in Moscow between Sergei Kiriyenko of Russia’s Rosatom and Ali Akbar Salehi of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, the two … Continue reading