Emerging Markets, Stocks

India’s “Global Power” Aspiration: Technology Is India’s Achilles Heel

Srinivas Duvvuri's Blog

Yes I said “Global Power” & not “Super-Power” as the terminology seems to go! So I was having this discussion with a friend from Afghanistan. When I said that “as India’s might grows, her patience with Pakistan diminishes” & that we seek Afghan support, my feisty Afghan friend pointed to me that had they had half the strength of India, they’d have taken care of the problem. I’d paste the exact comment here:

“Srinivas if we had half what India has today we would stabilize the region in years. You have Blue Water Navy, you have over a million soldiers, you have strong airforce and you are still waiting for strength and your patience to be worn. I do not buy this especially in the current status of nuclear weapons in the region.”

There was a point on what was said, so I gave a detailed comment – which is probably…

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About ETFalpha

Chief ETF Strategist & Co-Founder at EMerging Equity


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