Brazil, Russia, India and China have shown tremendous determination and co-operation on global issues in recent years. Their alliance epitomises south-south co-operation in the contemporary era. This is the notion of solidarity among developing countries through the exchange of goods, resources, technology and knowledge to meet their development goals. But what does this all mean … Continue reading
Africa has grown used to negative images being relayed all over the world through media houses, social media sites, documentaries and even Hollywood movies. These bloody Africans, the commentaries seem to say, why can’t they just get it together? Ebola, famine, corruption, civil wars, fleeing refugees…the list is endless. So you can imagine the great … Continue reading
If, as has been observed, demography is destiny, this will be the African century. By Antoinette M. Sayeh and Abebe Aemro Selassie Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa are on the cusp of a demographic transition—the years when the share of young and old in the population declines and those in working age range (15-64 years) increases. Elsewhere, … Continue reading
The European Commission has set up a €315 billion European Fund for Strategic Investments, in which it hopes will revive growth and boost employment across Europe. According to European Commission estimates, taken as a whole, the proposed measures could add €330 – €410 billion to EU GDP and create up to 1.3 million new jobs … Continue reading
The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is set to expire this September. AGOA provides about 6,500 African products with a preferential quota and duty-free access to the United States market. Over the past 13 years, AGOA has been important to Kenya and Africa because unlike economic partnership agreements, the Act is non-reciprocal and unilateral – preferences … Continue reading
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) yesterday (March 11th) approved a four-year extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility for Ukraine. The arrangement amounts to the equivalent of SDR 12.348 billion (about US$17.5 billion, 900 percent of quota) and was approved under the Fund’s exceptional access policy. The Board also took note of … Continue reading
By Christine Lagarde Managing Director, International Monetary Fund Dakar, Senegal, January 30, 2015 As Prepared for Delivery Introduction Mr. President of the National Assembly, Members of Government, Members of the Parliament, Members of the Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon. Asalamu Alekum! I would like to thank President Moustapha Niasse for … Continue reading
The current crisis in Russia is the perfect time for investment and creating a new model of development. Switching to technology exports would help the country overcome the crisis as fast as it can, speakers at the Gaidar Economic Forum in Moscow told RT. Although the current geopolitical issues and the situation on the global … Continue reading