Latin America’s recent economic fortunes highlight the region’s closer economic ties with Asia. China, in particular, has grown into a crucial source of demand for Latin American commodities over the past two decades, providing significant gains to the region. The flip side is that the ongoing structural slowdown of Chinese investment is weighing considerably on … Continue reading
Originally posted on sheeple no more:
Now that Congress has passed Trade Promotion Authority/Fast Track, the Council on Foreign Relations is taking the lead in calling for China to be included in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This represents a key reversal of the deliberately deceptive public message put out by the Obama administration and the…
STORY HIGHLIGHTS The new Carbon Pricing Watch compiles the latest data on formal carbon pricing initiatives around the world. Several carbon taxes and one of the world’s largest emissions trading systems started in the past year and a half, and more are planned in the coming years. The new and existing systems are also evolving. … Continue reading
As billionaire class and financial elites push corporate-friendly pact, new data shows empty promises and ‘job-killing’ reality of previous agreements. By Jon Queally Even as millions and millions of Americans—represented by thousands of labor, environmental, family farm, consumer, faith, Internet freedom and other advocacy organizations—continue to stand firmly in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, those backing … Continue reading
The plunge in world oil prices—from $105 to about $50 per barrel since mid-2014—has been a boon for oil-importing countries, while presenting challenges for oil exporters. By Robert Rennhack and Fabián Valencia In general, oil importers will enjoy faster growth, lower inflation, and stronger external positions, and most will not encounter any significant fiscal pressures. … Continue reading
By Zbigniew Brzezinski Project Syndicate With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, the disintegration of Iraq’s and Syria’s borders, and increasing Chinese assertiveness in the South and East China Seas, the post-Cold War era appears to have ended in 2014. Is that true? The post-Cold War era was not really an “era,” but … Continue reading
Beijing doesn’t have to choose between land and sea predominance. It could have both. By Francis P. Sempa In his 1919 masterpiece, Democratic Ideals and Reality, the great British geographer Halford Mackinder identified the northern-central core of the Eurasian landmass as the “Heartland” – a geopolitical region from which a sufficiently populated, armed and organized … Continue reading
By Takis Fotopoulos The forthcoming Greek elections on January 25th (to be followed later in the year by the Spanish elections) gave rise to a new mythology, particularly among the reformist Left, which is promoted, directly or indirectly, by the media of the Transnational Elite (i.e. mainly of the elites based in the G7 countries … Continue reading
As global movers and shakers head to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam is warning that an increasing wealth disparity is “leaving ordinary people voiceless and their interests uncared for.” The collective wealth of the world’s richest 1 percent will exceed that of the other 99 percent of the global population next year, … Continue reading
By Benjamin Dangl Like a lot of Americans, each morning in elementary and high school, I had to stand up before the U.S. flag, put my hand on my heart, and pledge allegiance to the United States of America. While it was a mindless routine for most of us, the meaning behind the ritual was … Continue reading