Crude oil prices fell sharply during July and into early August, pressured by an abundance of supply and a strong US dollar. By early August, global benchmarks had sunk around 25% below end June levels. At the time of writing, ICE Brent was trading at around $49 /bbl while NYMEX WTI was at $43.30/bbl. Global oil … Continue reading
The World Bank is nudging up its 2015 forecast for crude oil prices from $53 in April to $57 per barrel after oil prices rose 17 percent in the Apr-Jun quarter, according to the Bank’s latest Commodity Markets Outlook, a quarterly update on the state of the international commodity markets. The Bank reports that energy … Continue reading
There has been a recent debate about whether the end of the commodities “supercycle” is over, and if we are entering a new era of lower prices for natural resources, particularly oil. While no one can predict exactly where prices are headed next, one thing I do know is that demand for natural resources has … Continue reading
By José Niño In a little under three months, the Pacific Alliance is set to celebrate its four-year anniversary. Founded on April 28, 2011, the Pacific Alliance is a trade bloc whose main is goal is to promote greater integration among its members through free trade. Comprised of countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Chile, the Pacific … Continue reading
India’s economy is showing signs of a turnaround. New reforms, some of which are included in the package presented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, need to be implemented in order to put the country on a path to strong, sustainable, and inclusive growth, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of India that was released on … Continue reading