Zombie Companies

This tag is associated with 3 posts

The March Of The Zombie Miners Continues [Chart]

New report shows that over half (52%) of all Canadian-listed mining companies are zombies. . By Jeff Desjardins, Visual Capitalist Canada has a reputation worldwide as the epicenter for mining exploration, and over the years the country’s junior-listed companies have created billions of dollars in wealth through new mineral discoveries. However, these days, Canada is home to … Continue reading

China Prepares To Lay Off Millions Of State Workers Amid Industrial Overcapacity

By John Ward and Peter Symonds In the lead-up to the National People’s Congress (NPC) starting on Saturday, the Chinese government has announced massive layoffs in state-owned enterprises in coal and steel. Further sackings in other basic industries are being foreshadowed in moves that will result in millions of workers losing their jobs and heightened … Continue reading

China’s “Zombie Companies” Could Slow Economic Growth For Years To Come, Commerzbank Warns

China’s state-owned banks will support its highly indebted companies, and thus avoid a recession, however, Japan shows that keeping many seemingly “dead companies” (or “zombies”) afloat weighs on the long-term growth prospects of a country, of which China is unlikely to quickly recover, Commerzbank says. The Chinese government attaches at least as much importance to … Continue reading

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