Frontier Markets, Emerging Markets, Bonds

A Look At The World’s Riskiest Sovereign Debt

Here is a look at the world’s riskiest sovereign debt in a map courtesy of Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoA-ML) in a publication titled “Transforming World Atlas“.

The map by BoA-ML uses the prices of Credit-Default Swaps (CDS), which financial contracts which measure the risk of default on sovereign debt; the higher the spread, the greater the risk of default.  These are derivatives that pay out if a borrower defaults.

Currently Venezuelan debt is by far the most risky, costing twice as much as Greek or Ukrainian debt to insure.

Courtesy of BoA-ML

Courtesy of BoA-ML


2 thoughts on “A Look At The World’s Riskiest Sovereign Debt

  1. Reblogged this on Eyes on Europe & Middle East News and commented:
    #Greece, #Egypt,#Cyprus and #Turkey are among the countries that have some of the world’s riskiest sovereign debts in the world


    Posted by Eyes on Europe and The Middle East | September 3, 2015, 1:58 pm
  2. Reblogged this on World Peace Forum.


    Posted by daveyone1 | September 3, 2015, 5:56 pm

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