Southeast Asia

This tag is associated with 137 posts

The Case For Indonesia

By Charles Mautz, Chinus Asset Management During a recent visit to Jakarta, it was evident that Indonesians are optimistic. Investment managers, business leaders and taxi drivers all voiced their opinion that things are getting better and that the future is bright. Up to now, Indonesia has generally punched below its weight. It is often lumped together with … Continue reading

Malaysian Scandal Deepens As $100M From 1MDB Said To Have Financed ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street’

Sources within the FBI have confirmed to the Wall Street Journal that more than $100m of the production budget for Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street came from a Malaysian state fund connected to a scandal that has damaged a senior Goldman Sachs banker and led investigators to examine the lifestyle of a notorious … Continue reading

Global Uncertainties, Chinese Slowdown Weigh On Asia’s Growth: ADB

Growth is slowing across much of developing Asia as a result of the continued weak recovery in major industrial economies and softer growth prospects for the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This will combine to push growth in developing Asia for 2015 and 2016 below previous projections, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report. … Continue reading

South China Sea Tensions Set To Rise As China Adapts New ‘Deep Sea Exploration Law’

The stage is set for further tensions in the South China Sea as Beijing announced on Friday that it has adopted its first law on deep sea exploration, in the nation’s latest move to assert itself as a maritime power. On Friday, China’s top legislature passed the country’s first law on deep seafloor resource exploration to “protect the maritime environment” and “ensure … Continue reading

Asia And The Next Financial Crisis

By East Asia Forum The Asian financial crisis of 1997–98 was a huge turning point in Asia. Asia’s confidence in the IMF and the US leadership to help through global institutions in a time of crisis was seriously shaken. The disillusionment was deepest in Tokyo, Seoul, Bangkok and Jakarta — Beijing was then an innocent … Continue reading

Three Goals The Thai Junta Hopes To Achieve Before It Exits

By Qingzhen Chen The Thai junta government is prolonging its stay. The new draft constitution empowers the military at the expense of weakening the executive branch and political parties. In the main time, growth in the long term looks gloomy. After the 2014 bloodless military coup, the self-appointed Thai military government has been in power … Continue reading

Dr. Marc Faber: “They Will Bankrupt The World!”

Dr. Marc Faber joins Financial Repression Authority (FRA) Co-founder Gordon T. Long in an exciting discussion of monetary malpractice, negative interest rates, the influence of current geopolitical risk and much more. Dr Marc Faber was born in Zurich, Switzerland. He went to school in Geneva and Zurich and finished high school with the Matura. He studied … Continue reading

Thailand: Looking Shaky

By East Asia Forum Thailand is struggling. The economy has stagnated and its political system is going backwards. This May marks two years since the coup — Thailand’s second in less than a decade — with the military government still in control. Thailand is also languishing in a middle income trap. It’s not easy becoming a … Continue reading

The South China Sea Crisis And The “Battle For Oil”

By Brian Kalman A long brewing crisis of both regional and global proportions has been festering in the South China Sea in recent years between claimants to a variety of islands, reefs and shoals and more importantly access to oil and natural gas resources that are worth trillions of dollars. Although this dispute, or more accurately … Continue reading

What To Expect In Southeast Asia In 2016

By Global Risk Insights 2016 will be an interesting year for Southeast Asia, as the region braces for changes in government (or none at all), implements the ASEAN economy community, and prepares for volatility with the rising tension of the South China Sea and the increasing risk of terrorist attacks.   Myanmar NLD needs to … Continue reading

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