This tag is associated with 102 posts

Market Meltdown Means More Pain For Oil-Producing Economies

By Zachary Fillingham Supply-side downward price pressure has been the story of global energy prices over the past year: newfound supply from the Shale Revolution, OPEC’s gambit of market-share grabbing inundation, and new supply coming online from Iraq and soon Iran. The result was a plunge in oil prices from $115 in mid-June 2014 to below … Continue reading

Washington’s Financial/Currency War On China: Eclipsing Of The Dollar By The Yuan – OpEd

By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya The Chinese are in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping their US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency. This will give them easier access to capital markets and insulate them from financial manipulation by Washington and … Continue reading

Why Devaluing The Yuan Won’t Help China’s Economy

By Frank Shostak Earlier this month, the Chinese government decided to depreciate its currency on three consecutive occasions. On August 13, the price of the US dollar was trading at 6.413 — an increase of 3.3 percent against July. The key factor behind the central bank’s lowering of the yuan is a sharp decline in the … Continue reading

Is Economic Data From China Accurate?

By Jim Randle Some investors say China’s wild stock market gyrations have been made worse by worries about the reliability of that nation’s economic data.  Critics say the reports can mislead investors by painting an unrealistically strong picture of the economy.  Some economists doubt the official growth figures because other data, such as passenger travel and … Continue reading

The Biggest Losers In The Emerging Markets Following China’s Yuan Devaluation

Following a week after China’s first major currency devaluation in over two decades, which rattled global markets throughout the week, as emerging market currencies where hit the hardest, and thus drove currencies in Colombia and Turkey to new record lows.  Let us take a look at the biggest losers in the emerging markets from the ordeal: Malaysia’s ringgit and Indonesia’s … Continue reading

Can China’s Currency Devaluation Tackle Secular Stagnation?

By Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng Secular stagnation is looming worldwide, and China is no exception. Globally, the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus following the 2008 financial crisis has caused debt, equity, and property prices to peak, even as trade and investment decline; all of this has depressed demand, economic growth, and inflation. For China, … Continue reading

Which Countries Are Most Exposed To China’s Currency Devaluation?

By Alex Christensen China’s decision to let the yuan depreciate last week came for a number of reasons, including being a needed boost for Chinese export industries. But there are two sides to every currency swing, as the following countries are quickly learning. Did China devalue its currency or liberalize its currency market when it suddenly … Continue reading

China’s Growth May Have Only Clocked 6.3% In First Half, Full Year At 6.6% — Bloomberg Survey

China’s economy may not be expanding as much as we think and slower than its official data may suggest, according to a recent Bloomberg survey, which is helping to explain why policy makers in the nation have stepped up stimulus efforts and devalued the nation’s currency in a move to boost exports via a weaker yuan. According … Continue reading

Mohamed El-Erian: Oil’s New Normal

By Mohamed A. El-Erian Oil prices have been heading south again, with a barrel of US crude recently falling below $42 – the lowest level since March 2009, the nadir of the global financial crisis. And, while last year’s sharp price drop was heavily influenced by two large supply shocks, the current decline also has an … Continue reading

Peter Schiff On How China Will Win The Currency War

Peter Schiff, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, is warning that there is an impending U.S. dollar collapse and economic collapse on the horizon that should be getting a lot more attention, and not China’s recent currency devaluation. In a recent interview with Alex Jones on Infowars, Schiff breaks down what he thinks will cause the up and coming … Continue reading

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