“Barclays Africa Group Ltd.’s corporate and investment banking unit has approached Nigerian authorities for approval to convert its representative office to a fully-fledged business in the continent’s biggest economy,” Bloomberg reported today. The whole process to obtain the Nigerian licence may take around 12 months. Currently the following banks have operating licences in Nigeria: Standard … Continue reading
By David Marston, Era Dabla-Norris, and D. Filiz Unsal Economists are paying increasing attention to the link between financial inclusion—greater availability of and access to financial services—and economic development. In a new paper, we take a closer look at exactly how financial inclusion impacts a country’s economy and what policies are most effective in promoting … Continue reading
By Eric Toussaint Debt Euphoria In 2014, Rwanda and Ethiopia, two of the world’s poorest countries, sold public debt bonds on the financial markets of the most industrialized countries. While still unstable after civil wars and with debt payments suspended hardly three years ago, the Ivory Coast also managed to find private lenders willing to buy … Continue reading
By Kurt Davis Jr. Amidst a continent experiencing unprecedented levels of economic growth, a growing middle class, more stable political conditions, and favorable tariff terms from mature markets, there has been no better time to build manufacturing sites on the African continent. But this continent is vast – geographically, culturally, and politically. Mr. Davis’s piece identifies three of the … Continue reading